Who are we?

The Project is carried out by:

Dr. Helen Kelly

Áine Kearns

Aoife Daly

Anthony Murphy 

  • We are Speech and Language Therapists
  • We work in the Speech and Hearing Sciences department of University College Cork
  • We wanted to make a website that is accessible for people and is easy to follow 
  • We needed to know what way people with aphasia would like the website to look and what information they would want
Four (4) people with aphasia agreed to take part in the research and help us make the website.

Meet the people who participated in creating this website.  


● I had a stroke in January 2015 
● I had a blood clot
● I have aphasia
● ‘I am now going to the gym, walking and speaking again!’

Click here to watch an interview with Philip 


● I had my stroke in December 2015

● I had a carotid dissection

● I have aphasia
● ‘Before I had a stroke, I did not know that aphasia existed’

Click here to watch an interview with Daniel


● I was at home typing, then all of a sudden my right arm went weak-I had a stroke. It has been 10 years since my stroke.
● I was in hospital for a long time
● I have aphasia
● ‘Before I had a stroke, I did not know that aphasia existed’ 
● ‘I am gradually getting better’

Click here to watch an interview with John


● I had my stroke 9 years ago

● I have aphasia
● ‘I did not know that aphasia existed    before I had a stroke’  

Click here to watch an interview with John